Reply To: 5th house Saturn Remedy

Navneet Khanna

I always insist that predictive astrology should use all the planets and their position rather than just one planet. Anyway you saying that your Lagan is Aries and Saturn is in Leo, which is not a good position for it to be. For Aries lagan Saturn is the lord of 10th and 11th house that means the house of profession and house of gains. Saturn is placed in the 5th house that is an inimical distance from 10th house and inimical sign which will bring instability in the natives professional life. As it is in 7th from house of gains, Saturn aspects on its house is there and therefore the native will keep rising after fall.

With Saturn in Leo for Aries Ascendant, the native will suffer from frequent stomach related problems. He will not be happy in terms of wife and children and not be able to amass lot of wealth. The native will suffer form stress and anxiety and mind will be impatient.

You should Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily and do Shani Puja every Saturdays

You can also wear Yellow Sapphire and Red Corel that is if your Jupiter and Mars are strong.


Navneet Khanna