Reply To: Marriage time as per birth chart

Navneet Khanna

First I need to highlight that Astrology is not simple Arithmetic, where everyone will give one type of an answer. For example 2 + 3 will always be 5. In astrology there are lots of permutations and combinations that need to be factors in before an astrologer will give you the answer. Therefore astrologically speaking 2 + 3 can be 5 and also 23 and also 32.

Now coming to your answer specifically related to marriage. We both are of the opinion that the late 2016 or early 2017 as I said is going to be very important and strong period for your marriage. That is what is important. You need to take note of that and work towards getting the desired results. I will not say that I’m correct or the other person is wrong, because everyone has its own methodology of astrological analysis. With favourable period coming the possibility of results increases manifolds.


Navneet Khanna