Reply To: What will 2016 offer me?

Navneet Khanna

Looking at your Birth Chart we see that your Lagan is Virgo and Rashi is Leo. You are presently in the mahadahsa of Mars and antardasha of Moon. You will enter the Mahadasha of Rahu from March 2016. The mahadasha of Rahu and the antardasha of Rahu will be there till November 2018. Rahu is debilitated in your natal chart and not placed well as it aspects the 9th house which is the Bhagyastan. Doing the remedies of Rahu are most important in the period ahead.

1. Recite Rahu mantra “Om Brim Rahave Namaha” 108 times

2. Read hanuman Chalisa daily


Navneet Khanna