Reply To: want to know about my studies

Navneet Khanna

Any astrology predictions has to be done after taking PAC, that is Position, Aspects and conjunctions.

In simple terms 1st lord in 3rd house means , the person is courageous, have strong initiative to do something in life. If there is malefic influence then it means the person will not get along with brother / sister. 3rd house is also for speech, the native will enjoy singing if not professionally then as a hobby.

Lagan lord in 4th house, indicates attached towards family and home. The native will take care of his / her mother. He / she will want to live in place where he / she is born. Negative influence , indicates bad relationship with mother. The native wants to move away from his place of birth. The native can have heart related problems in life.


Navneet Khanna