Reply To: astro query on transit!

Navneet Khanna

Mars will enter Scorpio its own sign on 20th February 2016 and be conjoined with Saturn which is already in Scorpio. For Virgo ascendant this Mars and Saturn conjunction would be in the 3rd house which is the house for coborns, initiative and courage.

Mars and Saturn are both functional Malefic planets for Virgo Ascendant. Therefore this conjunction will bring disagreements with others and self. Mars and Saturn brings transformation, and in the 3rd house of initiative, you will be in dilemma , as what you should and should not be doing. 3rd house is also the house of speech and courage. Mars and Saturn being malefic may make you say things that could offend others. It is better to avoid controversies and needless conversations.


Navneet Khanna