Reply To: going through Rahu mahadasha


The planetary dispositions are as follows :
Planet Good % Bad% Nature

Sun 21.12 71.88 Malefic
Moon 28.97 67.77 Malefic
Mars 68.50 29.53 Benefic
Mercury 76.53 13.95 Benefic
Jupiter 4.80 66.13 Malefic
Venus 21.60 77.58 Malefic
Saturn 19.93 32.40 Malefic
Rahu 4.80 66.13 Malefic
Kethu 76.53 13.95 Benefic

Rahu in your charts has 66.13% bad influence as against 4.80% good influence. And the next dasa of Jupiter also is equally bad.

Perhaps it would be better to change your business career to something which suits you depending upon your expertise and experience. If  you give your other options, perhaps we can help.