Reply To: Gemstone for my improvd Finance and Career Growth

Navneet Khanna

Looking at your horoscopew e see that your Ascendant is Capricorn and Venus is the lord of the 10th house of career and 5th house of planning. Venus is actually the Yogakarka planet in your horoscope. It is the most important planet for career and career growth.

You dont have couple of things which are good in your horoscope. First is that Sun the karka for career is debilitated in the 10th house which is the house of career. This is extremely bad. You need to improve the karka.

Also there is Kaalsarp dosha, you need to do its remedy if not done before.

Regarding Stone you can wear White Sapphire or Zircon on your right hand middle finger on Friday Morning for gains.


Navneet Khanna