Reply To: Jobless


Your Sun is not very powerful and that is why despite having good writing abilities you do not succeed in life. You should have pursued teaching or politics line and you would have done well. You will find a welcome change w.e.f February 2017 and you will do well in the future.

Planet Strength Good% Bad% Lifeless Nature Net Strength

Sun 13.61 11.27 77.34 11.40 Malefic 12.06
Moon 68.73 45.97 37.32 16.71 Benefic 57.24
Mars 79.84 9.18 42.54 48.27 Malefic 41.30
Mercury 26.99 72.88 23.72 3.39 Benefic 26.08
Jupiter 46.31 12.07 75.21 12.72 Malefic 40.42
Venus 84.44 40.77 53.96 5.27 Malefic 79.99
Saturn 70.90 43.18 45.52 11.30 Malefic 62.89
Rahu 34.03 12.07 75.21 12.72 Malefic 29.70
Kethu 44.80 72.88 23.72 3.39 Benefic 43.28

Net 51.96 35.59 50.51 13.91 Malefic 44.74