Reply To: my sons future


Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are very weak in his horoscope. And th 11th and 12th houses are also very weak. Beware of problems with his calf and feet. Look at his planetary dispositions particularly the Net strength column. A close supervision till maturity at around 26 years of age will be required. Thereafter he will do well on his own.
Planet Strength Good% Bad% Lifeless Nature Net Strength

Sun 17.76 15.25 84.75 0.00 Malefic 17.76
Moon 14.81 96.13 3.87 0.00 Benefic 14.81
Mars 23.24 26.78 48.26 24.96 Malefic 17.44
Mercury 100.00 68.17 22.87 8.96 Benefic 91.04
Jupiter 9.48 83.77 8.44 7.79 Benefic 8.74
Venus 88.92 56.07 31.90 12.03 Benefic 78.22
Saturn 50.98 28.62 6.69 64.69 Benefic 18.00
Rahu 100.00 26.78 48.26 24.96 Malefic 75.04
Kethu 100.00 26.78 48.26 24.96 Malefic 75.04

Net 60.21 47.59 33.70 18.71 Benefic 48.95

Read my blog to get more meanings of these strengths and their significations