Reply To: Marriage life


You have a paranoid personality disorder symptom as per your horoscope though your horoscope is a first class one but for this. You are therefore of a suspicious nature and once you realise this, most of your problems will be solved. Read Srimadmahabhagavatam daily and you will be all right in a few months. Have a look at the strength of your planets.

Planet %Strength Nature

Sun 85.77 Benefic
Moon 52.47 Benefic
Mars 27.92 Malefic
Mercury 50.03 Benefic
Jupiter 78.88 Benefic
Venus 9.91 Benefic
Saturn 19.18 Benefic
Rahu 8.14 Benefic
Kethu 16.31 Benefic

Net 43.86 Benefic