Reply To: marraige question


Your horoscope is very weak for marriage primarily because

* Cuspal sublord of 7th house is Rahu which has no marriage combination and has anti combination instead in nakshatra and sublord
* Saturn and Rahu aspect 7th house in your lagna chart & Saturn also in Chalit chart
* Lord of 7th house Jupiter is in 12th from itself and aspected by 8th lord Mars making Jupiter weak or breaking relations
* Venus Karaka of marriage/emotions/relations is hemmed between Sun & Rahu thereby reducing goodness ( given Venus is cuspal sublord of six houses 3,4,5,9,10,11 this is sever weakness)

You have started Mars mahadasha from 26/3/2017 and Mars has hope given +ve marriage combination in nakshatra and sublord. There is slight hope in Jupiter bhukti in Mars (10/9/2018 till 17/8/2019; chances of love affair that may turn into marriage) and during Mars-Venus (18/2/2022 to 20/4/2023).

As Rahu moves to your 11th house end of August it might open more doors and your Saturn dhaiyya ends in October which will give some temporarily relief.

May god bless you and stay focused on doing your effort
Astrologer Deepak