Reply To: marriage, foreign job or government service


Your 7th house has the highest strength of 67.79% and this shows that you will enjoy sexual pleasures associated with marriage best. While your career house has a potency of 42.52%, the returns from career is only 39.73% which is poor. Sun, Venus and Mars are the most potent planets in your horoscope. Have a look at the strength and nature of your planets. Read my articles and you will understand the evaluations better.
Planet Net Strength Nature

Sun 65.11 Benefic
Moon 22.73 Benefic
Mars 81.29 Malefic
Mercury 10.45 Malefic
Jupiter 49.06 Benefic
Venus 77.92 Malefic
Saturn 52.80 Malefic
Rahu 32.49 Benefic
Kethu 18.48 Malefic

Net 47.04 Malefic