Reply To: related to IAS and civil services exam


I am giving the strength and nature of your planets.

Planet Net Strength Nature

Sun——- 85.11 Malefic
Moon—–48.11 Benefic
Mars——45.34 Malefic
Mercury–21.00 Benefic
Jupiter—-81.47 Malefic
Venus—-31.10 Malefic
Saturn—-34.67 Benefic
Rahu—–19.07 Malefic
Kethu—–20.38 Malefic

Net——–45.62 Malefic

Based on the above and the resultant strength of houses, it is very unlikely that you will get through the All India Services exam. However you may get a lower ranking govt. job in life.

Perhaps if you are in the reservation category, there could be some potential in getting included in the ranking list since Sun is powerful though a malefic.