Reply To: Family problem

K.Umamaheswaara rao

Hello Mr Manoj,
It appears that you already know the minus points of your horsocope.
Simple remedies will not help much.
You have to do penance for one or two years.
Please read in google–kumrao99 penance method remedy.
1.Observe fasting for one day in a week.
You can eat uncooked vegetables on that day.
2.Daily you should have two baths with cold water.
One out of two baths,should be before sunrise.
3.Feed birds and animals.
4.Daily do 10 Anga pradakshinams.If you dont know
the meaning,ask the meaning from any priest in temple.
5.PUrchase a celliphone sheet paper red colour for rs10.
Make it four pieces.
You stand before Sun and close your eyes.Place that
piece of red celliphone paper on your face daily 3mins.
YOu have to close your eyes.
Red rays of Sunlight removes so many sins.
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