Reply To: Why can't I find love?


You have one of the poorest horoscopes with a success factor of 28%. And your house of marriage is ruled by Moon which has a strength of 3%. It will be a surprise if you get a GF you like. Have a look at the strength of your planets below. Read my blog for more details of evaluation of horoscopes.

Planet Net Strength Nature

Sun 10.11 Malefic
Moon 2.96 Benefic
Mars 52.52 Malefic
Mercury 10.87 Benefic
Jupiter 14.68 Malefic
Venus 27.71 Malefic
Saturn 56.39 Benefic
Rahu 36.14 Malefic
Kethu 36.33 Malefic

Net 28.36 Malefic