Reply To: Marriage of mine


It is not only Manglik causing delay in marriage. Each planet has a strength and nature depending upon its placement, lordship and aspects in the horoscope. Currently you are having Saturn Mahadasa and from 2018 onward Mercury Mahadasa starts. Have a look at the strengths and nature of your planets.

Planet Strength Good% Bad% Lifeless Nature Net Strength

Sun 42.66 59.95 21.29 18.76 Benefic 34.66
Moon 6.34 67.43 32.57 0.00 Benefic 6.34
Mars 5.06 47.88 9.03 43.08 Benefic 2.88
Mercury 63.07 8.73 54.02 37.24 Malefic 39.58
Jupiter 100.00 85.03 9.68 5.29 Benefic 94.71
Venus 90.32 40.47 35.49 24.05 Benefic 68.60
Saturn 48.17 32.72 49.00 18.29 Malefic 39.36
Rahu 100.00 85.03 9.68 5.29 Benefic 94.71
Kethu 92.02 8.73 54.02 37.24 Malefic 57.75

Net 63.11 48.44 30.53 21.03 Benefic 49.84

Your Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are having poor net strengths and during their influence marriages will not be successful. Jupiter and Venus are the only good planets in your horoscope and I think a successful marriage will result only during Mercury Mahadasa Rahu antardasa (quite potent with 95% strength and a benefic) which happens only in 2027/2028.

You can get married any time, but it will be only sexual union and will not last. A lasting marriage, if that is what you are looking for will happen only when conditions are favourable.

Or you can think that Astrology is all bull and you can get married any time the fixing of which will be done by any wayside astrologer if you grease his palms well.