Reply To: Mom’s health and life


Planet Strength Good% Bad% Lifeless Nature Net Strength

Sun 25.00 36.12 47.33 16.55 Malefic 20.86
Moon 100.00 17.43 63.00 19.57 Malefic 80.43
Mars 1.66 25.80 67.76 6.44 Malefic 1.55
Mercury 33.87 64.03 11.19 24.78 Benefic 25.48
Jupiter 47.83 5.83 69.20 24.96 Malefic 35.89
Venus 3.59 34.58 50.39 15.02 Malefic 3.05
Saturn 53.58 64.77 24.35 10.88 Benefic 47.75
Rahu 76.01 36.12 47.33 16.55 Malefic 63.43
Kethu 88.23 64.77 24.35 10.88 Benefic 78.63

Net 50.89 38.83 44.99 16.18 Malefic 42.66

She is currently running Mercury Mahadasa and Moon antardasa till March 2019. Theeafter Mars antardasa is going to be deadly bad since it is a weak Malefic in her horoscope.