Reply To: marriage time prediction


From 2003 till 2020, you are running Mercury’s period and your Mercury in the horoscope is totally impotent. Look at the strengths of planets.

Planet Residential Strength Good % Bad% Nature

Sun 80.72 27.57 54.51 Malefic
Moon 34.97 40.12 41.20 Malefic
Mars 30.55 58.57 25.84 Benefic
Mercury 3.83 33.17 54.77 Malefic
Jupiter 98.69 17.75 61.97 Malefic
Venus 46.49 55.00 30.52 Benefic
Saturn 77.33 24.93 48.19 Malefic
Rahu 40.43 24.93 48.19 Malefic
Kethu 40.43 40.12 41.20 Malefic

Net 50.38

May be after 2020, there could be a change in your marital status. Are you sure that your time of birth is correct?