Reply To: Married life & Ruchaka yoga

Navneet Khanna

Mars own the 7th house of marriage and Mars is posited there forming the Ruchaka Yoga. The native will be energetic and active. The Scorpio women generally is found to have a very inquisitive mind. As this is the feminine sign of Mars, they can be egoistic and single tracked mind. Scorpio natives are also supposed to keep their emotions to themselves. They can be one of the best wives and mothers. She will have multiple talents and can handle multiple jobs at one time. She will always be a perfectionist, hard working and loyal to the people she loves. Ketu aspects the 7th house of marriage which is likely to bring ups and down in the relationship. Venus the karka for marriage in the boys horoscope is in the gains and posited in the Bhagyastan indicating that overall your marriage will be good and your bhagya will open after your marriage. Therefore for gains in life maintain a good cordial and deep understanding with your spouse.


Navneet Khanna