Reply To: Period going ahead


Have a look at the planetary dispositions.

Planet Residential Strength Good % Bad% Nature

Sun 55.22 29.65 59.70 Malefic
Moon 62.78 18.30 69.47 Malefic
Mars 60.72 9.18 15.53 Malefic
Mercury 94.98 61.35 16.75 Benefic
Jupiter 18.14 25.53 74.47 Malefic
Venus 32.50 43.40 42.65 Benefic
Saturn 12.41 18.65 55.94 Malefic
Rahu 72.87 18.30 69.47 Malefic
Kethu 72.87 18.65 55.94 Malefic

Net 53.61

Jupiter and Saturn are highly malefic and their sub periods were/are running till November 2016. Thereafter Mercury sub period will be highly benefic with excellent residential strength. Perhaps you will have to wait till then for things to improve.