Reply To: Government Job in my stars ?


Your Mars is quite powerful and you are likely to get a job of commandeering in Defence, Police or allied services. The planetary dispositions are :

Planet Residential Strength Good % Bad% Nature

Sun 59.61 14.70 85.30 Malefic
Moon 54.88 95.47 2.60 Benefic
Mars 61.75 54.95 24.85 Benefic
Mercury 43.01 11.35 50.87 Malefic
Jupiter 45.07 75.62 16.82 Benefic
Venus 55.44 20.35 57.81 Malefic
Saturn 39.25 32.02 21.84 Benefic
Rahu 95.50 11.35 50.87 Malefic
Kethu 95.50 75.62 16.82 Benefic

Net 61.11

We will wait till 2017 by which time you will know for certain. You have not given details of your educational background and expertise without which we cannot pin point your nature of job.

Read my articles on my blog which will help you evaluate a horoscope.