Reply To: When will i get phd/job


The planetary dispositions of your horoscope are :

Planet Good% Bad% Lifeless

Sun 59.63 3.21 37.16
Moon 5.43 2.23 92.34
Mars 12.41 21.77 65.82
Mercury 5.39 11.23 83.38
Jupiter 31.65 26.40 41.95
Venus 25.19 20.82 53.99
Saturn 21.80 10.73 67.47
Rahu 54.35 26.75 18.90
Kethu 69.40 3.74 26.86

31.70 14.10 54.21

I am afraid you will get a Ph.D like qualification only by 2019 or around and you will also be well employed by then. Most probably you will be in the teaching profession. Perhaps you can try for some part time job in the meanwhile.