Reply To: married life falling apart remedy to save


Your marital bliss is not very strong due to poor strength of Mercury, the lord of 7th house which signifies marriage. Looks like you will be more of a career person. Are you employed?

Planet Residential Strength

Planet Residential Strength Good% Bad% Lifeless Nature

Sun 67.21 14.86 38.66 46.48 Malefic
Moon 35.78 13.24 16.33 70.43 Malefic
Mars 47.02 1.11 29.44 69.45 Malefic
Mercury 3.66 3.22 0.42 96.37 Benefic
Jupiter 87.98 11.36 56.40 32.23 Malefic
Venus 73.56 24.35 49.21 26.44 Malefic
Saturn 41.56 7.09 10.39 82.51 Malefic
Rahu 77.44 28.65 35.34 36.00 Malefic
Kethu 77.44 13.22 19.37 67.42 Malefic

Net 56.85 13.01 28.40 58.59 Malefic

Have a look at the above table. Only Mercury is benefic and it has poor residential strength.