Health problem

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    • #24073 Reply
      Rekha agarwal

      Sir m having health problems.Please tell me when I’ll get fine completely.My detail is:- Name-Rekha agarwal
      Date of birth:-30/03/1967
      Birth time:-11.55am
      Place of birth:-Katihar(Bihar)

    • #24080 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      You are passing through a last leg of Sade satti. Health issues are certain during the period of Sade satti. It is better for you to do remedies of Saturn for improvement in your health.

      1. Recite Mantra “Om Praam Preem Praum Saha Shanichraye Namaha” 108 times daily

      2. Read Hanuman Chalisa Daily

      Besides this live a avoid taking tensions and stress, go for Yoga and go meditation. Do some walking which is good to de stress yourself.


      Navneet Khanna

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