How will be my mars dasha

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    • #82224 Reply

      I have just entered mars mahadasha after a terrible moon mahadasha request guidance how will be it careerwise and overall I am in travel and tourism industry. Any chance of going abroad for a long period of time if not permanent settlement?
      This 14June 2019 our company is conducting group tour for USA. should I take chance and apply for USA visa(I don’t have bank balance property etc).
      Thank u
      27-12-1970 11-15 AM new delhi

    • #82240 Reply

      I am giving below the strength and nature of all your planets. You can associate it to your Mahadasa and Antardasas.

      Planet Nature Net Strength

      Sun Malefic 38.65
      Moon Malefic 67.56
      Mars Malefic 78.44
      Mercury Benefic 53.51
      Jupiter Malefic 15.86
      Venus Malefic 45.83
      Saturn Malefic 50.89
      Rahu Malefic 11.20
      Kethu Malefic 18.34

      Net Malefic 45.08

      For more information you can read my blog

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