Job Search

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    • #48011 Reply

      Respected Astrologers,

      Thanks for your time. I have been searching for jobs for the last 2 months or so but nothing is happening (not even interviews). I need to find one soon as I have some financial commitments. Could you tell me when would I be able to find one?

      DOB: June 23, 1989
      Time: 17:52 p.m.
      Place: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu


    • #48012 Reply

      Correct Birth Time Updated. Ignore, the previous question

      Respected Astrologers,

      Thanks for your time. I have been searching for jobs for the last 2 months or so but nothing is happening (not even interviews). I need to find one soon as I have some financial commitments. Could you tell me when would I be able to find one?

      DOB: June 23, 1989
      Time: 10:44 a.m.
      Place: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu


    • #48037 Reply

      4 planets in your horoscope are having near zero strength. You may get a job in 2019 which will not bring you corresponding return applicable to the amount of work you put in.

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