Marriage life

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    • #28796 Reply

      Name : rekha
      Dob: june28 1980
      Time : morning 7:30
      Place : vizag
      Name : Bala
      Bob: march 10 1977
      Time: night 10
      Place : rajahmundry

      Can you please tell me is my husband is good ? Is he cheating on me . If not
      Why I am getting that doubt always ?
      Please tell me the solutions .
      If he is a nice person unnecessary
      I am think about him . I am feeling bad and I have mixed opinions . Please
      Help me sir .

    • #28803 Reply

      You have a paranoid personality disorder symptom as per your horoscope though your horoscope is a first class one but for this. You are therefore of a suspicious nature and once you realise this, most of your problems will be solved. Read Srimadmahabhagavatam daily and you will be all right in a few months. Have a look at the strength of your planets.

      Planet %Strength Nature

      Sun 85.77 Benefic
      Moon 52.47 Benefic
      Mars 27.92 Malefic
      Mercury 50.03 Benefic
      Jupiter 78.88 Benefic
      Venus 9.91 Benefic
      Saturn 19.18 Benefic
      Rahu 8.14 Benefic
      Kethu 16.31 Benefic

      Net 43.86 Benefic

    • #28826 Reply

      Such delicate issues cant be answered in astrology.
      Such things you can discuss with local astrologers,
      so that they can remove your doubt by charging few
      thousand rupees and performing homam spending a lakh
      of rupees.
      Dont get cheated by such people.
      Always there will be problems in a family.
      It is no use to discuss them with others.
      YOu will be exploited by them.
      You cant get answers in a free astrology site.
      [email protected]

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