Money Problems

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    • #20292 Reply

      Iam facing a lot of money issues, when will the time get better financially

      Name : Rithesh
      DOB : 4-4-1974
      Place : Mangalore
      time : 6.52 am

    • #20294 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      The second and 9th house of your horoscope is ruled by Mars. Second house is the house of finance and 9th house is house of destiny , it is called the bhagyastan. 2nd and 9th lord Mars is conjoined with Ketu which is not good. The period of Mars and Moon is going on. You will enter the mahadasha of Rahu in April 2017. Rahu is debilitated in the bhagyastan. Jupiter rules the 9th house which is the house of career. Jupiter is debilitated in the Navamsha chart.

      You should do the remedies of Mars, Jupiter and Rahu for getting good results.


      Navneet Khanna

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