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    • #136507 Reply

      20 july 1994

      6:52pm delhi

      Respected Sir


      Is love marriage suitable for me? Because I have been approached by boys but i am skeptical about them? My health has not been well since many years ( anxiety). Kindly give me an advice so that i can take right decision.

    • #136516 Reply


      In my humble opinion there is no indication of Love Marriage in your birth-chart – although there is some indication or hints with regards to limited or lack of religious faith/belief and perhaps some fascination for other faiths/beliefs.

      Your anxiety is primarily driven by presence of 8th lord Moon/Chandra in Dhanur / Sagittarius Rashi, along side Udaya Lagna or Ascendent and being posited in the Lunar Constellation of Moola/Mula Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. For the records, he does not have much support on either side of the flanks, making you a bit of a lonesome character with few friends and limited social life. Also contributing to the issue is the mutual aspect with a strongly placed Mercury/Budha, in his Swasthana in Mithuna/Gemini Rashi.

      You are currently in the fag end of Sun/Ravi (placed in the 8th house) Maha-Dasha and Antara of Ketu as per Vimsottari Dasha system and will start Maha-Dasha of Moon/Chandra from mid-2025. So, the 8th house and Moon/Chandra have been active for some time. And, hence your situation.

      Given the situation, kindly consider offering special prayers to Mahadev Shiva (after offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha) and try practicing Meditation/Pranayama/Yogasana.

      Take care…

    • #136518 Reply

      Hey buddy.. Pls advise on my question too

    • #136529 Reply

      Thanks Sir for your prediction. Will my anxiety even reduce? I am on pills.

    • #136548 Reply


      Thing can possibly get aggravated in Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha. As suggested earlier, please consider offering special prayers to Mahadev Shiva (after offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha) and try practicing Meditation/Pranayama/Yogasana.

      Take care…

    • #136584 Reply

      But it is of 10 years Mahadasha and will i have a happy married life?  My parents are insisting for arrange marriage  . I am skeptical about it.

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