Marriage Advice

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    • #136545 Reply
      Vivek Shanbhag

      My wife and I fight everyday. Will we be happy in life? Please sir tell me.

      Date: July 16th 1990

      Siruguppa, India

      Time: 20:11

      thank you so much!

    • #136547 Reply


      There are afflictions in your birth-chart indicating the current situation with regards to disharmony in spousal relationship. In fact, things could possibly get worse. Kindly consider sharing your wife’s birth-details to check if there are redeeming factors.

      Take care…

      • #136571 Reply
        Vivek Shanbhag

        Sir please reply…

        My wife’s details:

        DOB: June 11 1996

        11:30 AM

        Shimoga, India

        Is there a possibility of divorce in our charts?

    • #136552 Reply
      Vivek Shanbhag

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Wife Details:</p>
      DOB: June 11 1996

      11:30 AM

      Shimoga, India


      Please tell me. Thanks very much.

    • #136553 Reply
      Vivek Shanbhag

      Sir can you please tell me if there is a divorce happening in my chart?

      Wife’s Chart:

      DOB: June 11 1996

      11:30 AM

      Shimoga, India

    • #136570 Reply
      Vivek Shanbhag

      Please reply sir…

    • #136576 Reply


      At the outset, I’m forced to wonder if you guys fell in love and  married. In both the birth-charts, there are indications of such a possibility. Further there seems to be some disparity in background, upbringing, family status (financial or otherwise) etc., not to mention positive and not so positive times (as per Vimsottari Dasha periods).

      For instance, you (male) was in the midst of 7th lord Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha (until August 2023), placed alongside a powerfully placed Mars/Kuja in his Swasthana in the 4th house of Mesha/Aries Rashi. He has activated both the 4th house of Homely Comforts and 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana or Spousal Relationship. Incidentally, Sun/Ravi, Mercury/Budha and Ketu are placed in the 7th house, which is not really preferred. Mars/Kuja aspecting the 7th house is not preferred either.  In the last few weeks, you’ve switched Maha-Dashas to that of Mars/Kuja himself…

      In your wife’s (female) case 7th lord Saturn/Shani-dev is conjunct Ketu in the 8th house of Meena/Aquarius Rashi. Both are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttara-Bhadrapada Nakshatra. She concluded Maha-Dasha of Venus/Shukra late last year and has started Maha-Dasha of Lagna Lord Sun/Ravi. Incidentally, Sun/Ravi and Venus/Shukra are very closely conjunct for comfort in Vrishabha/Taurus Rashi. In fact, Sun/Ravi seems to have torched Venus/Shukra and they seem to engage in Graha Yudha or Planetary war. On the sidelines, Sun/Ravi and Mars/Kuja participate in Sukshma Parivarthana at the Nakshatra level and Mars/Kuja is aspecting Udaya Lagna. Moon/Chandra being placed close to deep Gandanta degrees is not preferred either.

      All said and done, Jupiter/Guru-dev in the lady’s (female) birth-chart aspecting Udaya Lagna is a bit of a redeeming factor – even though he is Vakra or Retrograde. So, she could be in the driver’s seat for saving the marriage, if she is so inclined. Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit to Meena/Pieces Rashi and onset of Sade-Sathi for both individuals will probably put more stress on the relationship, a couple of years later.

      Take care…

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