Reply To: Delayed milestones

J V S Rao

Your daughter is born in Cancer lagna. The lagna is aspected by Sun, she will not hear any words. She will act according to her own.
Her vocal chords are fine as 2nd cusp sub lord Venus and 2nd lord Sun are aspecting Taurus from a watery sign. So there would be delay in speech.
Now running period is Venus dasa Venus Bhukti upto 03-04-2023.There are chances for her to speek in July 2020, Dec 2020, Mar-April 2021.
In Jupiter antara i.e from 12-08-2021 she starts speek fully.
Note: As lagna lord Moon is in the sub of Saturn, delays and postponements would be there in her efforts. Success would be in the subsequent efforts only.
Hence you need not feel. She will definitely pick up by Aug 2021.
Good Luck