Reply To: How complicated my health issues will be

K.Umamaheswara rao

Hello madam,
Unless you change your lifestyle completely ,it is not possible to cure
your health problems.
Reading horoscope will not solve medical problems.

Ovarian cysts indicate that there are too many toxins in your body.
Removal of uterus is no solution.The presence of toxins is not
limited in uterus alone..
You have to follow this leaf juice method for 4 to 5 months.
If you cant do it at your house,join any nature cure hospital
at Hyderabad,Vijayawada or Bangalore for one month.
Give a break for 20 days and again you have to join for one
month again.
It will take 4 to 6 months ,to get cure..

In Nature cure hospital,they will put you on fasting with minimum
food without salt and milk products.
YOu will get very good results.Dont get frustration.
JOin immediately Nature cure hospital and follow
their instructions and diet programme seriously.

Veganism plus leaf juice method.
1.You have to do fasting for one day in a week.ON the
day of fasting,you can eat uncooked vegetables.You can
eat any number of times.Unlimited quantity is permitted.
2.Additional type of method which can remove bad conditions
of uterus.
It is holistic healing..YOu have to avoid milk products(milk,
curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,ghee),nonveg,fish,eggs,sweets for
3 or 4 months.In this method,you have to drink unfiltered
leaf juice of 30 coriander leaves,15 pudina leaves ,10gms of
ginger and 15 gms of bittergroud.
4.Veganism cures so many diseases,including uterus problems.
Veganism means avoiding milk products and all animal based
diet.You should avoid nonveg,eggs,milk,curd,coffee,tea,ghee,
icecreams,sweets,sweet fruits,dry fruits,potato.
Sweet things represent evil planets.So you have to avoid them.

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