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Swati Sharma
GuestMy DOB is 26th june 1989. Time -3:30 pm, Delhi. My 8th house lord mahadasha is going on i.e venus. Please share about my career, health and my parents health. Thanks
GuestSwathi Sarma,
Your 8th house lord is Venus. Venus is in 9th house. Venus is in the star of Jupiter who is in 8th house. Venus is in the sub of Rahu in 4th house. So Venus has to give 3rd (communications, siblings younger to you) and 6th (litigations, success over opponents, open enemies etc) through his sub lord Rahu who is in 4th house (residence, static position). Rahu is in the star of Mars in 9th house (long distance travel, higher education, father etc). Now after blending Venus has to give about your father. He may be sick and hospitalized or to visit hospitals. He may have troubles in throat. He will be affected with lungs also. Ulcers problem is also there.
For your mother Venus gives sickness in heart or lungs. She might be affected with BP also.
You might have entered in a job during 2006-2008. You might have wedded during 2010-13. There might be some disturbances or sudden fixing of marriage.
In Venus period there might be changes in your job or you might have left it because of tensions in service.
You will postpone and delay things. Without postponement you can not finish your task. You will get frustration.
Moon sub period is good regarding your children.
Good Luck
Swati Sharma
Guest<p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you Sir. I’m not married yet. Also facing one or the other health issue. Similarly career is also unstable. Wherever i work, either the company changes their industry or shuts down. Every 2-3 years, I’m unemployed. You are right about being frustrated due to that. Can you please share what I can do to improve this situation. I’m a psychologist by profession. Also what can i do so my parents stay healthy.</p>
I thought my venus mahadasha would be good but since it has started I’m having health issues. -
Do not lose your heart. Venus period is for 20 years. In the 20 years certain periods will give good results. In your chart, Ketu is in 10th house Leo. Being in his own star and in the sign of Sun he has to give good results. So pray your family deity first and next pray Lord Ganesh (Ketu represents Ganesh).
Venus is sub lord of 2nd(finance, addition to family, self acquisition), 5th (pleasure, mantra),8th (tensions, unexpected events). Venus is in the star of Jupiter (lord of 3rd house, siblings and lord of 6th house (success in all undertakings). Venus is in the sub of Mars (lord of 2nd and 7th). That Mars is in 9th in Jupiter star. So Venus gives addition to the family and marriage also apart from finances etc. Is not it good.
Sun bhukti is upto 26-12-2024. Next is Moon bhukti which is upto 26-8-2006. Moon gives you good results and Mental happiness. Moon is in 5th house. Moon is aspected by Mars and Venus from 9th house. As you know Mars is lord 2nd and 7th which is needed for marriage or clients as you are a psychologist. Moon is in the star of Saturn in 2nd (finance, addition to family) and Saturn signifies 9th house. In this period, there are chances for marriage also. 5th house gives you relief from health issues. 1st house is 5th to 9th house, so your father also gets relief. 2nd house is 11th house to mother so your mother also gets some relief.
I hope you will be happy.
God bless you all
Good Luck
Swati Sharma
GuestThank you Sir.