- This topic has 14 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Vinita J.
Vinita JGuest
Pranam to all the Astrologers.
DOB 20 June 1980
TOB 20:35 PM
POB Chennai / Madras
Capricorn Ascendant, Ketu 1H, Venus 5H, Sun and Mercury 6H, Rahu 7H, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn 8H and Moon 9H, Uttaraphalguni Nakshtra 4, Kanya Rashi.
My Son Prem is our only child. He had a same religion arranged marriage in 2013, which was broken off by the girl after 2 months of marriage on the pretext that she did not find my son appealing and wanted him to wear wig and cut off his mustache, change his way of talking, walking and give her lavish life. We are lower middle class family and could not fulfill her ever growing demands. She was herself a LLB graduate and only after she failed to Null and Void the marriage she requested for a Mutual Consent Divorce which was granted in 2015. After the Divorce we got to know from our common relatives that she had a boyfriend prior to this marriage and later has got married to her boyfriend.
In the year 2017 we got a match from a girl (different caste) on one of the renowned online matrimonial platform. After getting to know each other for a couple of months both the families decided to finalize the things. We did a small marriage ceremony at home and got Marriage Certificate too. This was the Girl’s second marriage. The girl’s family hid about the girl’s health problems and later when it got revealed accidentally, they emotionally blackmailed us to give her best Medical Treatment. Also, her parents and siblings constantly interfered in our son’s married life. Still we tried our level best to keep the marriage running for 15 months. But ultimately my son’s second marriage ended. After she went to her Parent’s home permanently, she deactivated her mobile number. When divorce was being discussed, they asked for huge amount of Cash in lieu of Mutual Consent Divorce. We said come to the court first and we will not pay outside of the court any amount. Hearing this her family disconnected all mediums of communication with us, henceforth. We waited for 3 years and tried all sort ways to establish communication but all in vain. Even, whenever we went to their house it was locked. After 3 years we filed for my Son’s second Divorce thru Litigation. The Girl’s family did not even come forward to the Court for any of the Divorce proceedings nor replied to any of the Notices and paper advertisements. After following all court rules and regulations the Court granted an Ex-partee Decree after 15 months of the court case.
As parents we are worried for our Son. Since 2018 he is living a lonely life. He is very straightforward person and lacks diplomacy. Though he is very spiritual but he cannot tolerate anything wrong and gets angry. He does not do any religious practices but he has lost interest in any of the materialistic pursuits as well. Many time we have suggested him to become monk as per our Religion but he says he may not able to fulfill the challenges of monk hood life that are there in our Religion.
Sorry for the long background story.
My question is will he ever find a good wife in this birth or not. I heard that there is no concept of Live in Relationship in Astrology but can he get that too. We just want to see our Son smiling and happy again. We, his parents are at the fag end of our life nearing 75. Our only wish is, if he can get a chance to settle down and be happy.
Can any of the astrologers guide us.
Vinita JGuest
Pranam to all the Astrologers.
Can any of the astrologers guide us.
Navneet KhannaKeymaster
The above is the chart of your Son. Capricorn lagan and rashi is Virgo. Rahu in the 7th house, Venus the karka for marriage, relationship and romance is 28 degrees hence vrid avasta.
Saturn and Mars in the 8th house. Mars in the 8th house makes him strong mangalik. If you see he has major planets posited in the 6th, 7th and 8th house. 6 planets in these houses. Maximum energy is concentrated in these house. This is not a good chart for marriage. The possibility of a successful marriage is weak. If at all he gets marriage again, he should get proper matching done for things to work properly.
Navneet Khanna
Vinita JGuest
Dear Res. Sir Navneet Khanna ji,
Thank you for the reply. Now we will drop the thought of his marriage. We will motivate him to be spiritually happy.
Thank You.
JVS RaoGuest
Mrs. Vinita J
I have seen the chart of your son in KP method. In the past period, it is tallied with the marriage incidents. Now Jupiter dasa and Mercury bhukti is upto 17-05-2026. Next comes Ketu bhukti which is upto 23-4-2027. As per the given data, it is understood that you have knowledge in astrology.
Jupiter is in lagna in the star of Ketu in 7th house and sub of Saturn (lord of 7th and 8th house). No planet is in the stars of Saturn. Saturn is in the 2nd house. Saturn is in the star of Sun in 11th house.Hence Jupiter is connected with 7th house (through star lord) and through sub lord Saturn connected to 7th, 2nd and 11th houses. 2,7,11 houses are needed for marriage.
So I assumed Jupiter dasa Ketu bhukti in the period 01-12-2026 to 23-4-2027, will give marriage. The subsequent periods are also good. I hope nobody can escape the directions of GOD.
Good Luck
JVS Rao (KP follower)
Vinita JGuest
Thank Your Sir JVS Rao (KP follower) for replying. Sorry for delay in replying. I am not into astrology. The earlier post and even this reply is being written by my friend on my instructions and she herself is studying astrology. And we as a family are also interested in astrology and hence follow this esteem forum and other social media platforms for astrology related knowledge.
But, we are new to KP astrology.
Thank you for the predictions. We will wait for the said period. As off now my son is living a spiritual lifestyle. He has again clarified about no possibility of monk hood, though. I hope that the predictions given by you will come to picture during the time period you have mentioned and it is my son’s destiny, hence he is denying monk hood suggestions.
I do agree with you that nobody can escape the directions of GOD.
Thank You Sir JVS Rao (KP follower) for replying back.
JVS RaoGuest
Thanks for your reply. God bless you all.
Good Luck
JVS Rao (KP follower)
This has a reference to the post by JVS Rao ji. From the information that I could gather, he has assumed the Lagna as Kataka. It looks as though the Lagna is Makara. Request a cross check please.
Vinita JGuest
Thanks for highlighting. Maybe in KP Astrology things could be different. I don’t know.
Hence, Sir JVS Rao (KP follower) ji may have analyzed in that way. Maybe.
He can only put some light on this.
Anyways, Thank You Sir T K CHANDRASHEKHAR ji for taking out time and studying my Son’s Horoscope.
Frankly speaking, this chart is not made for a happy marriage. Both the Bhava chart and the Navamsa chart are equally strong in denying marriage. The current dasa of Jupiter and the next dasa of Saturn are both not supportive of marriage.
It is suggested that the thought of marriage be dropped.
Request you to kindly ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking (in my post below)… and feel free to seek as many alternate opinions as you like.
You are perhaps old and mature enough to understand it is easy to point issues/inadequacies with others, while getting blind-sided with our own deficiencies… isn’t it?
So, I’m sure there is some truth in your understanding and whatever you’ve conveyed about the girls who married the native. But then, I’d like to take the liberty to encourage you to look at possible issues with the native himself… his health issues, anger/temper issues, his idiosyncrasies (and possibly dual personality), often misuse of God give intelligence etc.
That said, I’m inclined to think current Maha-Dasha of Jupiter/Guru-dev has some possibilities, if the native is truly desiring. But then, Jupiter/Guru-dev being placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu (who is not really supportive of materialistic joy/success) seems to be blocking the situation. If truly interested, it would make sense to consider suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies, be reasonable / flexible in expectations, open to unconventional alliance and put in due effort for realization of desire.
Take care…
Please be informed of the upcoming transits that are not really favoring fulfillment of marriage event. That along with age catching up seems to indicate the chart is tending towards denial. Hence, appropriate remedies and immediate call for action.
Take care…
JVS RaoGuest
Mrs. Vinita J
I am extremely sorry for giving wrong predictions. As Mr.Chandra Sekhar pointed out, that the lagna is Makara. My system went erroneous and I had gone for reloading of all the softwares.
I thank Mr. Chandra Sekhar to point out the lagna and I could understand the error. I too agree with Mr.Chandra Sekhar regarding the disturbances in the marriages.
JVS RaoGuest
For taking monkhood 12th house is to be studied. 8th and 12th cusp sub lord Jupiter is in 8th house. Jupiter is in the star of Ketu in 1st house. Jupiter is in the sub Saturn (lord of 2nd house – addition to the family) That advisor Saturn is in the star of Sun in 5th house.
My Guruji Mr.N.Sunderesan (author of Astro Secrets and Krishnamurthi Padhdhati) has told us another principle. For marriage we have to consider 2nd house (addition to family), 7th house (legal bondage) and 11th house (fulfillment of desires). It 7th cusp permits for marriage with legal bondage, it is OK. Apart from 2,7,11 houses, he said we have to consider 5th house(romance),8th house (act of sex) and 12th house(bed comforts). I do not know the efficacy of the principle.
In this case 1st house (self) and 7th house(legal bondage for marriage) cusp sub lord is Saturn in the 8th house. No planets are in his star. So Saturn fully signifies marriage matters but with disturbances.
Dasa lord Jupiter is signifying 1,2,8 through star lord and through advisor Saturn 2,5,8.
bhukti lord Venus is signifying 2,11,8 through star lord and through advisor Jupiter 12,3,1,
So the boy can not go for monkhood, but he may take initiation of any mantra. He will go for worldly pleasures. So in his life, he will have a marriage as per my guru’s principle. God only decides his fate.
Good Luck
JVS Rao (KP follower)
Vinita JGuest
Thank You for all the insight JVS Rao Sir.
Vinita JGuest
Thank You Res. Navneet Khanna (Astrologer) Sir, Res. JVS Rao (KP follower) Sir, Res. T K Chandashekhar Sir, and Res. Buddy ji.
I am indebted to all of you for analysis of my Son’s Horoscope.
In 2011, a renowned astrologer told us that my Son’s Horoscope is a miserable one with lot of challenges / obstacles and ups and down. He also said that my Son may not live beyond 52 age. I don’t know the premise for all these.
But, seeing his life since then, I feel what is there for him to be alive. As per my understanding, we have taken Birth to balance out the Bad and Good Karma that we have done in past Births. And, hence we motivate him to do Good Karma.
We have left everything on Karma / God. There are many Births to come to get married or accept monk hood. Let’s See.
Thanks A Lot All You “Respected Divine Souls”.
May God Give You More Strength To Guide Other Distressed Human Beings Like Us.
Thank You.