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Need your advice for my cousin. He wants divorce.
Date of birth 10th sep 1977, 14.58 time, Varanasi
For a saggitarius ascendant, sun Mercury Saturn in 9th house means divorce right ? Someone said if 2nd and 7th lord are in 9th house. Another person said sun and Mercury friends so not easy to break marriage.This marriage has been turbulent and volatile with many occassions for divorce. Venus and moon in eight house. Mars and Jupiter in 7th house. ketu in 4th and rahu in 10th, Both have extra marital affairs, both have alcohol issues, they are faking or pulling for sake of kids, society, avoid paying alumni, and wife obviously needs social status and security of marriage. Husband goes around telling everyone he is oppressed by his wife and she forces and pressuries him for conjugal relation and society. Both are split personalities. Show they are soft spoken, religious, spiritual but very aggressive and polluted in heart. Husband is highly educated – IIT Madras BTech. Wife is basic education.
Astrology suggests various influences in your cousin’s marriage, with Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in the 9th house indicating complex beliefs and philosophies affecting the relationship. The presence of Venus and Moon in the 8th house and Mars and Jupiter in the 7th house points to intense emotions and turbulence. However, deciding on divorce should go beyond astrological insights. Given the turbulent relationship with issues like extramarital affairs and substance abuse, your cousin should seek professional counseling to address underlying problems and consult a family lawyer for legal implications. Ultimately, prioritizing mental and physical well-being and reflecting on personal feelings are crucial steps in making an informed decision.
Dear Karthik Guruji
He has done all consultations and wants divorce.
But as mentioned some astrologer told him that the ccase will drag due to sun 9th lord friendship with 7th lord Mercury in 9th house. Please advise ?
Dear Guruji
Thank you. He has already done all consultations.
One astrologer said case will drag due to 7th lord friendship with 9th lord and also conjunction.
Hence my query if divorce in charts is confirmed or not
Ideally, it would make sense to look-up birth-charts of both individuals (husband and wife), to access this question. In isolation, it looks like the gentleman has anger/temper issues, adversely affecting spousal relationship. But then, presence of Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev in the 7th house of Spousal Relationship should protect the marriage/relationship – unless there are other compelling reasons.
The gentleman is currently in the midst of 9th lord Sun/Ravi Maha-Dasha and Antra of 10th lord Mercury/Budha, creating a strong Raja/Dharma-Karmadipati Yoga… so, the individual should have an exceptionally good or benefic time. There are good possibilities of him getting promoted, windfall of financial gains etc.
That said, Saturn/Shani-dev could be playing a bit of a spoilsport… both with his placement in the birth-chart as also with his current transit across 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra called Ashtama-Shani. So, the spousal relationship could be under stress. Being aware and cautious would be helpful.
Take care…
Thank you very much.
He wants a divorce. He doens’t want this relationship. He wants to know if the divorce will be fast or will case drag.
Someone said his jupiter, sun, Venus are amplifying and expanding his Mars aggression and giving him extra marital tendences. It seems there are about 5 -6 different combinations all hunting divorce.
He is only worried that the case should not drag as gis younger brother is emboriled in domestic violence divrice case too.
Please read my previous post as below (correcting a spelling/grammatical/typo error as also updating the post)…
Ideally, it would make sense to look-up birth-charts of both individuals (husband and wife), to assess this question. In isolation, it looks like the gentleman has anger/temper issues, adversely affecting spousal relationship. But then, presence of Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev in the 7th house of Spousal Relationship should protect the marriage/relationship – unless there are other compelling factors/reasons. Incidentally, both Mars/Kuja and Jupiter/Guru-dev have below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga.
For the records, Moon/Chandra is placed strongly in his Swasthana in the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Karkataka Rashi. But then, he is the 8th lord and he is never happy or comfortable being placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana (Ashtama-Chandra)… so, he would be a bit stubborn and will wilt under stress. Him being conjunct with Venus/Shukra is not a good sign.
The gentleman is currently in the midst of 9th lord Sun/Ravi Maha-Dasha and Antra of 10th lord Mercury/Budha, creating a strong Raja/Dharma-Karmadipati Yoga… so, the individual should have an exceptionally good or benefic time. There are good possibilities of him getting promoted, windfall of financial gains etc.
That said, Saturn/Shani-dev could be playing a bit of a spoilsport… both with his placement in the birth-chart as also with his current transit across 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra called Ashtama-Shani. So, the spousal relationship could be under stress. Being aware and cautious would be helpful.
Take care…
Sorry as per my analysis, this chart has multiple marriages. Divorce is confirmed. Many combinations – Jupiter in 7th house is very weak and unable to save the marriage, Mars is in enemy sisign in 7th house, Venus is hemmed between malefics, mercury 7th house lord is retrograde in 9th in navamsa 9th house, mercury is associated with Saturn in 9th house, 7th lord and 2nd lord in9th house, sun in leo in 9th house, ketu aspecting Venus and moon in 8th house, Mars is lord of 12th house in 7th house, ghatak kaal sarp yoga with rahu in 10th house. 7th house lord is between sun and Saturn. 7th house lord Mercury is movable sign and in nakshtra of rahu ardra……the first marriage will e end in a very bad divorce. Better to break as early as possible instead of making it dirty and dragging.
Thank you very much.
I don’t have his wife’s horoscope. He told me his father in law faked her horoscope to match for marriage.
It is surprising you talk only about his anger. He had severe character issues. He lies. He fools traps cheats women outisde for sex by saying tat he is unmarried and he had bad wife and marriage. He sahees videos of his bedroom to show that he sleeps alone. He has also faked his date of birth by 2.5 years to qualify for sex. He uses that in passport. He has also faked his date of birth to match his horoscope to fool another woman in name of love and marriage for sex.
He can go to any length for sex. I understand that his Mars Venus sun and jupiter make him sex crazy and also liar and unethical.
Ddoes his chart have divorce yoga anytime this year?
Note correction. He faked date of birth to qualify for exam
I’m forced to wonder about your relationship with the native (and his wife). I’m also left wondering if you are well-meaning and well-wishing or otherwise. In any case, it would be better if individuals were to post queries by sharing accurate information about themselves.
Take care…
Even if he is my cousin he plays with his wife, is unethical. What is wrong in asking if he will get divorce ? In this day and age, don’t you as a good human being feel that he is destroying himself and his wife. If divorce gives him happiness then what is ill meaning in that ? Atleast he will stop playing and come back on track with or without another good woman. His wife has many issues which I dont write as I am not related to her. Why should I pose as him and fake identity to post query. Even a parent can post on on behalf of kids.
Everyone who has read his chart has immediately pointed out his unethical and pervert charachter. Hence I was surprised that you didn’t point it out.