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GuestFacing job issues pls update when I will get job
Why I m facing job issues based on past karma pls clarify
Date of birth : 25-10-1976
Time : 6 : 36 pm
Place : Mumbai
GuestMr. Js
Your questions have been answered in different names in the past. Please wait for the time. You yourself is an astrologer. You are aware that we have to wait till the date comes.
Your birth-details seem to be familiar. Unless I’m terribly mistaken, I’ve shared my understanding of your birth-chart. Anyways, considering the birth-details, you are inching towards the fag end of 2nd & 7th lord Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha and Antara of Mercury/Budha. Venus/Shukra is placed in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana or the house of Challenges, Trying/Testing times and Changes/Transformations. He has very low Shadbala, indicating some weakness and hence the time period from later part of 2007 would have been a bit challenging. Prior 7 years of Ketu Maha-Dasha would have been tiresome as well.
Venus/Shukra is closely conjunct Ashtama-Chandra (Moon/Chandra is never happy or comfortable being placed in the house of Challenges – more so in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation)… in fact, they engage in a Planetary War or Graha-Yudha and seem to be completely distracted.
On the sidelines, Sun/Ravi is the 5th lord of Purva-Punya. He is also placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation and closely conjunct Rahu (not to mention Lagna & 8th lord Mars/Kuja and loosely conjunct Mercury/Budha – both are not happy or comfortable being placed in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana, casting doubts on 7th house related significance) . So, executive raise/promotions or significant career progression will be a challenge. Unfortunately, 9th lord of Bhagya/Dharma-Sthana Jupiter/Guru-dev is Vakra and has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha-Varga… making me wonder about lack of luck.
Given the situation, it might not be a bad idea to consider offering special prayers to Lord Lakshmi Narayana (will address both Venus/Shukra and Mercury/Budha) or Lord Laxmi Narasimhaswamy (will address issued related to both Venus/Shukra and 10th lord Saturn/Shani-dev), with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa.
Take care…
Guest<p style=”text-align: center;”>Thanks buddy for help</p>
GuestCan anyone confirm exact date of time of job that would be really helpful as per transit and nakshatra pls help
GuestT k chandrasekhar, Aditya kunwar
You valuable inputs pls revert thanks
GuestEver since the dasa of Venus started, all the planets in the signs owned by him get activated. These include Sun who is the representative for the 10th house of profession. Rahu in close conjunction to Sun causes a pitru dosha and Sun will not be able to do his job correctly. Rahu throws a smokescreen around him.
First you have get this dosha removed by performing the necessary puja at Triambakeshwar in Nashik or in Gokarna. Without this, the situation will remain as it is now. Even the next dasa of Sun may not get you to a good position. If done, even before oct 2026, you may be gainfully employed.
GuestAstro Ritu bhatia your inputs pls