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GuestHello Sir,
- Below are the details of my father.
- D0B – 14- Aug -1955
- Place of birth : Kakinada,Andhra Pradesh
- Time of birth : 02:19 AM
- He is 69 and suddenly had a spine stroke in Nov 2024 due to which he lost his walking ability. Due to the medications, many other complications also came up. With 1.5 months physiotherapy at the rehab center he is now able to walk to bathroom with support. Otherwise he is mostly dependent for everything. My mother is also senior citizen and finding it difficult to support citing her age related issues.
- Will my father make a full recovery and be able to do his works on his own. How will be his health and quality of life going to be further?
- We are in a great distress.. kindly help us?
Thank you,
GuestCurrently, the dasa of Mercury is running and the antardasa lord is Saturn. Roga bhava was activated by Mars and Rahu (from Aug 2018 till March 2022) earlier and by Saturn from June 2024. Saturn antara will continue till Feb 2027. The next dasa lord is Ketu which is forming a Grahana yoga with Moon in the 12th bhava.
As per the above, chances of your father returning to normalcy is rather low.
Performing Jala Abhisheka for Lord Shiva with proper sankalpa for his recovery will help.
GuestNamaste TKC Sir,
Due to semi paralysis, other serious complications also have developed. Can you please tell us about his longetivity.
Thank you
GuestPredictions about longevity are generally not made. But the current period is itself a difficult period for the native. Transit Saturn is set to enter his 10th house by end of March this year. He has already entered the Purva Bhadra nakshatra on the 27th December 2024. The present period till March 2025 will be critical. Specially, the coming three weeks can be a tough period.
Guest- The period immediately after Saturn’s entry to Meena rasi is also critical.
GuestManjula madam
Present period is of Mercury dasa Saturn bhukti which is upto 07-02-2027. Mercury is signifying 1st house (self), 12th house (hospitalization) and 3rd house (longevity, movements), 4th house (domestic environment) through his star lord and 6th house through his sub lord Rahu. So Mercury has given movement problems and hospitalization and being in home.
Saturn is the lord of 8th house (longevity, tensions) is in 5th house (cure from illness). As Saturn stars are unoccupied, Saturn is a full significator of these houses. Saturn is also aspecting 11th house (cure from illness). So Saturn gives the native longevity and temporary relief from his illness. I assume in his bhukti Saturn will not give death to your father. But Saturn only is in the star of Jupiter who is the maraka and badhaka. And Saturn is transiting in Jupiter star, who is the maraka and badhaka adhipathi upto April 2025. As Saturn will not allow other planets to give death or other events, he will take the lead. So it can not be ruled out. If death occurs, it would be in sleep only and no one can notice him.
Good Luck
JVS Rao (KP follower)