Your name does not suggest that you are a male or female. It is necessary to give the predictions. Suppose your 6th cusp sub lord Mercury is signifying 8th house which is in Taurus. If you are a female, we can say that there would be a problem of irregular menses otherwise we can say there would a problem in throat because of smoking.
Current period is not indicating life danger. But 6th (sickness), 8th (defect) and 12th (hospitalisation) sub lord Mercury is connected to 8th house through Moon. Mercury is in 4th house (capricorn sign) with Sun. 6,8 and 12 houses are deemed to be evil houses, in case of health. So you might be cautioned to be careful in your health. The problem might be related to pains in legs, rheumatism, skin diseases etc.
You lagna says that you are very intelligent (as your nickname suggests). As Moon is in 8th house and aspected by Saturn, you always have worries for one after another. Your 2nd cusp sub lord Saturn is in 2nd and aspects Moon. 2nd house denotes money, speech etc. So you are worrying about money and the expenditure involved.
God bless you
JVS Rao (KP follower)