Job changes in 2024

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    • #152650 Reply

      Respected Sir, I am searching job in middle east. Do you see me getting this in 2024. My date of birth is 1972.01.march at 1pm in Maharashtra Pune

    • #152662 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Sir

      I have seen your earlier messages in the past. If there is any difference in date, time  or place of birth, it will not work out correctly. Every astrologer will go only on the correct data and give their predictions. It is a time waste to work out on incorrect data. Please note this. You have given in earlier mails, that time of birth is hr.13.12 mts. Now you are giving hr.13.00. Please note that even though this forum is free for one or two questions, utilize this service by giving exact particulars.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

    • #152834 Reply

      JVS Rao sir,

      The date on the patrika ia 13.12.

    • #152862 Reply

      2024 brings fresh opportunities for career growth and new beginnings. Embrace the change and unlock your full potential in the year ahead.

    • #152863 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Sankul

      I have seen your mails in different names and your wife’s also in different names seeking guidance. I understood that you are so anxious about your job.

      In the `

    • #152864 Reply
      JVS Rao

      In the chart,  there is a clear indication for you to get a job or communication by 25-09-2024 but you will move out only in Rahu bhukti which is from 09-11-2024.

      Be happy,

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

    • #152899 Reply

      Thank you Sir for your continued support.

    • #157625 Reply

      Sir, Wishing you all very happy diwali. There is no indication of Job until now, i am continuing my efforts.

      your blessings will bring the required changes.


    • #157643 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Sir Sankul

      Your current period is of Jupiter-Mars-Moon. Jupiter is in 7th house. Jupiter signifies 2nd house through his star lord Ketu and 10th house through sub lord Saturn. So Jupiter has to give a job and finance in a place which is far off.

      Bhukti lord Mars is in 11th house (success). Mars signifies 11th house through his star lord Venus and 9th house and 4th house through sub lord Rahu. So success in your attempts, I assumed. As 4th house gives static position, the matters will not move upto 09-11-2024.

      Next comes Rahu bhukti. Rahu signifies 3rd house (communications) 4th house (static position) through star lord Moon, 9th house through his sub lord Sun. 9th house gives communications from long distance. So Rahu period gives you communication as the significator of 3rd and 9th and as node it has to give the result of 10th (profession) lord Saturn, Mercury (occupant of 10th house). In this period Saturn sookshma is from 17-12-2024 to 07-01-2025. Saturn is a significators of 9th house and 12th house. Mercury is the significator of 10th house.

      Hence I mentioned you will receive a communication within 09-11-2024 and move out in Rahu period only. Please understand my analysis and wait for the period

      God bless you

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #157785 Reply

      My interpretation of this astrological analysis is as below sir,

      1. Current Period (Dasha): You are currently in a period governed by Jupiter (main period) – Mars (sub-period) – Moon (sub-sub-period). This combination influences different areas of life, including career and financial matters.

      2. Jupiter’s Role (in the 7th House):

      • Jupiter in the 7th House generally influences relationships, partnerships, and contracts.

      • Jupiter signifies the 2nd house (wealth, family, and speech) through its star lord Ketu and the 10th house (career, status) through its sub lord Saturn.

      • Since Jupiter connects to both financial and career-related houses, it is expected to bring job and financial opportunities, but possibly in a distant or remote location.

      3. Mars (Bhukti Lord) in the 11th House:

      • Mars in the 11th House represents success, gains, and aspirations.

      • Mars signifies the 11th house (success) through its star lord Venus and the 9th and 4th houses through its sub lord Rahu.

      • The 9th house relates to long journeys and higher pursuits, while the 4th house represents stability and one’s current residence.

      • The presence of Mars here suggests that your attempts for success will bear fruit, but the 4th house influence implies a delay. This delay may last until November 9, 2024, after which progress could start to happen.

      4. Upcoming Rahu Period:

      • Rahu (node period) begins after Mars, and Rahu brings influences from different houses:

      • Rahu signifies the 3rd house (communications, short journeys) and 4th house (stability) through its star lord Moon.

      • Rahu also influences the 9th house through its sub lord Sun, which relates to communication from far-off places.

      • During the Rahu period, there’s an expectation of important communications, likely related to job or career, especially involving long-distance interactions.

      5. Rahu’s Influence on Career (Linked to 10th House):

      • Rahu, as a node, influences the 10th house of profession (related to Saturn and Mercury, who are connected to the 10th house).

      • There’s a more specific time frame within the Rahu period: the Saturn sookshma sub-period from December 17, 2024, to January 7, 2025.

      • Saturn signifies the 9th (travel, distant communication) and 12th (foreign or distant places) houses.

      • Mercury signifies the 10th house (career).

      • This period suggests a strong chance for a professional change or opportunity that requires relocation or interaction with a distant place.

      6. Overall Prediction:

      • You’re likely to receive a communication related to career by November 9, 2024.

      • However, the actual move or relocation for this opportunity may occur during the Rahu period, particularly in the Saturn sookshma period (December 17, 2024 – January 7, 2025).

      In summary, this analysis suggests a career opportunity or financial gain in a distant place. You may hear about it soon, but the actual move could be during the specific Rahu-Saturn period in December 2024 to early January 2025.

    • #157793 Reply
      JVS Rao


      Your interpretation is good.

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #159349 Reply

      Chatgpt simplified this for me. I am continuing my efforts. Thank you Sir

    • #160398 Reply

      Sir, there is no change in current situation.

    • #160407 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Sankul,

      I failed with my logic and readings. In transit Jupiter transits Mars star (6th and 11th significator) in April 2025. So there would be the chance for you.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #160411 Reply

      @ Sankul,

      You are currently in the dasa of Jupiter and antara of Rahu. While there is a promise of travel by Jupiter in the Bhava, Navamsa and Dasamsa charts, for Rahu there is no indication. Also in your chart, indication of work in a middle east country is not seen.

    • #160422 Reply

      Thank you Rao sir for your advice.

      @ CHANDRASHEKHAR sir, I worked in middle east untill 2018.  do you mean, there are no chances going forward? Could you give more guidance on your mention of Travel.

      Thank you.

    • #160436 Reply

      @ Sankul,

      My writing so was a result of trying to be quick. I didn’t see that Rahu is activating the Sun which is one of the controllers of the 12th house.

      In India at least, Rahu is considered to represent the places where the majority of the inhabitants follow Islam. Since I missed the connection stated above, I wrote that work in middle east is not seen. My apologies. Haste does make waste.

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