Job or business

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Simi.
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    • #1311 Reply

      I should go for job or business?? I am a homeopathic doctor.
      DOB – 27/9/1985 POB – Nizamabad and TOB – 6.48 pm

      Manin question is ab.out career – Should i go for job or clinical practise (self employed – business)
      Also can you predict how will be my married life and marriage partner

    • #1312 Reply

      Hello Sir, I am a male homoeopathic dr. I have changed many jobs as something or the other doesnt work out. There is not much job satisfaction in the job I am currently doing. So I want to know whether clinical practise (business – self employed) or should I keep looking for better jobs. Job or business which one will be more successful.


      Wishing you a happy, successful and prosperous New Year 2014

    • #1316 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Wishing you a very happy and Prosperous 2014.

      Jupiter lord of 10th house of career gets debilitated in the 11th house of gains. certainly gains are for you in your own business only. But the gains will not be immediate. You are presently in the Mahadasha of Saturn and the antardasha of Jupiter. The period after July 2016 is going to be much better on the career front. Although some improvement will be there are August 2014. Concentrate on your line and work towards opening your own business related to your line of expertise. Gradually I see you doing extremely well.

      1. Recite Mantra Om Namaha Shivaye 108 times daily.
      2. Recite Mantra OM Gan Ganpathye Namahao Namaha 108 times daily.
      3. Om Brim Brihaspathye Namaha 108 times daily.

      God Bless,

      Navneet Khanna

    • #1321 Reply

      Thanks a lot for your answer Sir.

      It would be of great help for me.

      God bless you..


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