Marriage-Jyeshta boy 3rd pada, jyeshta girl 4th pada

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    • #160395 Reply

      Can a boy with jyeshta nakshatra 3rd pada and a girl with jyeshta nakshatra 4th pada go ahead with marriage?

      Some astrologers say that people with same nakshatra like jyeshta should not marry each other.

      Why is this the case? Is it solely based due to nadi dosh? Or is there anything specific related to jyeshta nakshatra that makes the astrologers say this? Can someone please throw some light on this topic?

    • #160405 Reply

      If two persons with Jyeshta Nakshatra marry each other, the indicated results are:

      1. Reduction of longevity

      2. Loss of money

      3. unnecessary quarrels.

      In addition, Jyeshta Nakshatra 4th pada is a Nakshatra Gandanta. Results indicated for a girl’s chart are troubles to the self and commanding nature.

    • #160423 Reply


      Ideally, it would make sense to cast both birth-chart and assess the ills and odds… instead of jumping to conclusions. In general terms though (in my personal opinion), the Zodiac sign of Scorpio or Vrischika Rashi happens to be Moon/Chandra’s Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation… an inherent sign of mind/mental weakness – more so when Moon/Chandra is posited close to deep Gandanta degrees. In such a situation, both individuals may not be able to bear with or tide over rough weather, specially when both individuals are impacted at or around same time-period… be it Dashas/Antaras (time-periods) of malefic graha/planet or more commonly nasty transits (like Sade-Sathi). So, it would generally make sense to be a bit more extra cautious.

      Take care…

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