Option Trading

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    • #159409 Reply
      Rakesh Sharma

      I am job less. Can I try in do the intraday trading in options and make a profit or doing the job. DOB 2 October 1967, TOB 9.37AM, POB Ghaziabad UP.


    • #159417 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr. Rakesh Sharma

      You are advised not to go for trading in options, as it it showing loss. Your 5th cusp (speculation) sub lord Mercury is in 12th house.  Mercury is signifying 6th house (success) through its star lord Rahu and 5th house and 12th house through his sub lord Ketu. Ketu as a Node signifies 8th house also. Mercury induces you to invest in speculation, by showing success or profits, but later your money will be blocked. If you have experience in the field, it is left to your decision.

      You will get a job after 19-2-2025. It may not give you satisfaction. You will get a chance in 2027. That will be good.

    • #159418 Reply
      Rakesh Sharma

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Job getting is too much late. Can you suggest fruitful remady to get the job in this month.</p>

    • #159428 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mr.Rakesh Sharma

      As you are from a sharma family, please do regularly Gayatri jap. She will protect you. You have to worship your family daity. If you are interested in Hanuman please listen to his prayers. The stars and planets are great than your prayers to give you a job in this month only.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao(KP follower)

    • #159438 Reply
      Rakesh Sharma


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