Planet Degrees – Predictions of Venus Mahadasha

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    • #160714 Reply


      I wants to know  kii kitna degree acha hota hai planet ke liye. can anyone please tell me my planets degrees and their prediction



      21 may 1988

      13:45 (1:45pm)

      new delhi

    • #160723 Reply
      JVS Rao

      If you have any specific question, we can answer. Every planet does good in certain aspects, and it may do bad in certain aspects. Moon is in 11th house (success), it is good. But it is in the star of Saturn in 4th house and sub of Moon in 11th house. But Saturn is signifying Ketu in 12th house (expenditure, loss etc). So Moon as a 11th house significator is finally signifying loss. Likewise all the planets are connected to undesirable houses. So be specific in your question. 12th house is good for foreign travel. It is bad in case of employment. 6th house is good for success over enemies. It is bad as it gives sickness.

      So a planet is good or bad is decided by the matter or issue. In your chart Moon, Saturn combination is not good. It gives postponements and causes frustration. If you want to wear any gem stone, it is not necessary for you.

      Please find attached herewith the chart.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

    • #160724 Reply
      JVS Rao

    • #160731 Reply

      Thanks. Abhi Venus ki mahadasha chal rahi h toh isme health, wealth, career kaisa rahega

    • #160741 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      You are passing through Mahadasha of Venus till 2040. Venus is well placed in your horoscope and presently conjoined with Saturn. During this period one may be endowed with jewels, ornaments and clothes. Interest in singing and dance may increase. One may be good natured and charitable. Skill in trading, profits on the career front, and new ventures may commence. During this period of Venus, one may acquire vehicles. As Saturn is conjoined with Venus, there may be domestic quarrels, weakness due to ailments related to gastric and cough problem. There may be mental restlessness, bad relationships and opposition from people.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer



    • #160859 Reply

      thank you sir

      please advse, mera apna ghar ka tak banega and kaise jagah hoga.

    • #161352 Reply

      please advse, mera apna ghar ka tak banega and kaise jagah hoga. mujhe apna ghar and family ke sath rhe ka mauka kab milega

    • #161465 Reply

      i wants to knw kii kya mai delhi ke nahar settle ho sakti hoon

    • #161478 Reply
      JVS Rao


      Your 4th cusp (house to dwell in) and 10th cusp (house to your spouse) sub lord Jupiter is in 8th house. Jupiter is signifying 10th house and 12th house (investment). 8th house denotes tensions, your money will be blocked in the hands of others. So to purchase a house in the name of your spouse (jointly) is better to possess in your name.

      Current period is of Venus dasa Moon bhukti. Venus is signifying his star lord Rahu in 6th house, who is conjoined with Mars( Mars is the 4th house and 9th house lord). Venus is signifying Jupiter in 8th house through the sub lord Rahu. So Venus induces you to purchase a house.

      Moon is in 11th house. It is good. Moon is in the star of Saturn in 4th house.  Hence Moon is signifying 11th house (fulfilment of desires) and 4th house (house to dwell in) and 12th house (investment). So in this sub period which is from 11-8-2024 to  12-4-2026, you will invest for purchase of house. But as Moon, in the star of Saturn gives you frustration, as the works would be delayed. So be cautious in investing.

      Your 4th house sub lord Jupiter signifies Venus and that Venus is aspected by Saturn, you will purchase in a remote area. It would be an already built house, more than 10 years old.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

      • #161493 Reply

        Thanks Rao ji.

        Also tell me kii kya mera delhi k bahar shift hone ka chance hai with husband.if yes toh kya mai working rahungi.


    • #161480 Reply

      pls reply if any of them correct then i will answr your question

      Your elder sister/ close friend must be facing serious issues in her health due to her tensions going in her married life because of her inlaws she must have also taken a drastic decision under someones influence threatning her life due to which she ended up in a hospital. The major reason is that some of her secrets related to past history about her illness and relations have been revealed causing her to be under serious self harming mode.

      In 2021 feb , may and august your marriage went through lots of tough situations cort disputes due to miscommunication between you both very a property and you feeling cheated over property papers and you also were hurt on face. If not married then things happended with a cousin and father got involved in both cases.

      Also last year you made a very big mistake at work related to code of financal transactions a typing mistake due to which you had serious dmage in your reputation at work though due to te fact that you know many friends and your boss helped you things got hidden up really well after getting limelight though this mistake will always be reflected within your cv.

    • #161492 Reply

      Nothing is true for me

    • #161496 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Mrs. Diksha

      Your 7th significators are Saturn, Moon and Venus. Saturn transits in his star after April 28/29-2025. In the meanwhile Saturn is in Jupiter star who is in 8th house. So you would be worrying about your husband.

      There are chances for you to live with your husband after April 28/29 this year. But you should be moving away from him off and on.  If you have faith, please pray to your family deity and Rudra who is the super power to control the separation. Rudra controls Saturn and Maa.Parvathi controls Moon.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao (KP follower)

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