regarding career

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    • #118759 Reply

      sir my name is sankar my dob 21-9-1973 tob 12.07pm pob trivandrum in my chart satrun is conjuct ketu will it cause break and troubles in career if so plase suggest remedy i dont have stable career till now plase answer

    • #118776 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your chart we see that your lagan is Scorpio and Saturn is conjoined with Ketu in the 8th house. Saturn rules the 3rd and 4th house of your horoscope. Saturn is in the Rahu nakshatra which is in the 2nd house. Saturn aspects the 10th house of profession. Yes it means that can give you no appreciation and rewards for your efforts. As Rahu aspect will come in your transit chart from mid March 2022. It will pose challenges and you need to do remedies for getting good results.


      Navneet Khanna


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