Speech delay


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    • #114438 Reply
      Vikas Chandra Pulpa


      My kid is 2.5 years old, when compared to other kids of same age, he is not upto the mark regarding his speech.

      Here are some things I see in his horoscope:

      1. Saturn(3rd and 4th lord) and Merucry (8th lord) are conjoined in his 2nd house (or speech). And 2nd lord is in the first house. 2nd house is afflicited with no benefic aspects.

      2. In Namamsa, the 2nd lord is Saturn as well.

      3. The Moon is in Rohini Naksatra, whose sublord is Rahu.

      4. He is going through Moon Dasa/Saturn Bhukti until 2022, September.

      Moon and Saturn are 6-8 from each other. Is this also impacting the ability to  speak. Will things become better after 2022 September.

      5. He will be going through Moon-Mercury as well until 2024 February.

      Can you please suggest from his horoscope if he will be able to speak soon or any remedies. I am concerned by the fact that he will be going through Moon-Saturn and Moon-Mercury until 2024, which is like until 5 year old.


      (Note: I prefer that you do not publish his birth details. Publishing the analysis is fine.)

    • #114450 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Once the Moon – Saturn period gets over in October 2022 you will see great improvements. As Saturn is in the 2nd house and Saturn is the planet of delays, it will bring delays and obstacles on this front.



      Navneet Khanna


      • #114453 Reply
        Vikas Chandra Pulpa

        Namaskaar Khanna ji,

        My bigger concern is Moon-Mercury starts right after the Moon-Saturn. And Mercury is 8th lord afflicted by Saturn. Does this delay the speaking ability any further ?


    • #114470 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As per the chart, Mercury is not a functional malefic as it Gemini sign rules the 8th house. On the contrary Mercury is a strong benefic as it Virgo sign rules the 11th house of finance. I feel the challenges are more till October 2022 and thereafter things will show significant improvement during the Moon – Mercury period.

      Best Wishes,


      Navneet Khanna



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