Three years of business, only loses are made

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    • #4049 Reply

      My DEtails are

      DOB: 19-09-87
      Time: 4:20PM
      Place: Patiala

      I had started business in brick manufacturing in 2012. From that, all of my money has been lost. Whatever I earn from this money lasts for a day or two.

      Nothing good is happening so far when it comes to business.

      Please check me details and see if I am suitable for business.

    • #4054 Reply

      Yes you are not likely to succeed in business much. One of the other best job for you is Agriculture related activities. Your career house is not very potent to do business. You can invest money and make gains from them in Saturn signified activities which includes agriculture apart from many others. If you can give options, I can suggest. Read my articles on

    • #4127 Reply

      Thankyou very much. I am sorry I could not get the last line. What kind of options?

    • #4177 Reply

      Options on your liking of work related to agricultural type like Farming, Group Farming, Dealing in Agricultuarl inputs like Fertilisers, pesticides etc. etc. Processing of Agricultural products etc.

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