There is a 5-9 bhakoot dosha due to which there can be delay in having children. Ketu in the 5th house of the boy chart also indicated delays. 5th lord of the girl chart is Jupiter which is retrograde. Possibility of children is there in 2020. Seek medical assistance if necessary.
As per your horoscope, there are possible issues in having a baby. Details can be given if you come through Paid consultation with your husband’s date of birth details too. My whatsapp number is in my profile which you can get by clicking on my picture.
My birthdate 4th june 1992 time around 9 amand my husband birthday is 3rd March 1983 I don’t know his time of birth ..still no luck in conceiving .. when will we have first baby
My birthdate 4th june 1992 time around 9 am place chennai .. my husband birthday is 3rd March 1983 I don’t know his time of birth and place Chennai ..still no luck in conceiving .. when will we have first baby
Your 5th house indicative of children is having a low strength and unless it is well compensated in your husband’s charts, there are little chance of conceiving. Since you are not sure about the birth time of both, astrology cannot come to your help.