mangal dosh

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    • #137617 Reply

      11th jan 1995 morning 938 am is my birth time and i see  alot of mangal dosha in google. Please help me with remedies. I dont want any problems after marriage

    • #137618 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Please provide your place of birth for horoscope analysis.



      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer

    • #137637 Reply


      Place of birth would help ascertain placement and position of Udaya Lagna. In any case, it does look like Mars/Kuja is placed in Leo/Simha Rashi, the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana. It is a strong indication of you being of a short-tempered nature.

      To make matters worse, Saturn/Shani-dev placed diagonally across and alongside Udaya Lagna is not really preferred. Being short-tempered, you seem to transform completely when you lose it… more like a dual personality. Mars/Kuja, Saturn/Shani-dev and Rahu are unhappy being placed uncomfortably and are detrimental to related significance.

      Moon/Chandra is placed alongside Ketu and has little support on either side of the flanks, making your mind wander and thoughts a bit wavery or oscillating by nature. These has more or less made you the way you are.

      To start with, it would perhaps make sense for you to realize, recognize and accept the way you are. Thereafter, you might want to consider practicing Yogasana/Pranayama/Meditation to calm your mind. You would then need to focus on controlling your temper… as to how it is done would be a million dollar question. In my understanding, maturity with age and life time events might help to an extent. But beyond that, the hard-wired nature is not really easy to change,

      In summary, I’m inclined to think relationship will be a roller-coaster ride. So, you’ll need to pick and be choosy of somebody who has the ability to withstand and stick around in the long haul. Secondly, I am of the opinion that you’ll end up not tolerating living with in-laws (more so with mother-in-law or make her life a living hell, in case she is timid).

      PS: Kindly bear with my opinion and feel free to ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking.

      Take care…

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