Horoscope Matching | free kundali matching for marriage

free kundali matching

In this article, we understand what is kundali milan, and also why it is important to do kundli milan before marriage. For your help, I have also given a online tool where you can do Free Kundali matching for marriage.

Kundali Matching / Milan or Horoscope matching is a great way to know the relationship between a Male and a Female. Kundali Matching for marriage is followed extensively in India before solemnizing marriage. Generally, the horoscopes are matched first, and only then other marriage rituals are followed. It is the kundali that decides whether to go ahead with the marriage or not to consider the marriage proposal. Indians are ardent believers of kundali milan before marriage. The practice of seeing kundali before doing important work is followed in almost all families. In horoscope matching kundali milan can give a clear picture of whether the prospective couple will have marital happiness or not. Through kundali milan we can easily know if there is happiness, in the couples marital life. We can find out if divorce is there or couple will have happiness after marriage. The future of marriage can be easily known through kundali matching.

One of the most important method to evaluate the relationship is Ashtkoot Guna milan. In Ashtkoot Guna milan 8 points also known as 8 Koots are matched. The ashtkoot guna milan is divided into 8 koots which reflect different aspects of person, marriage and marital life. The total of these 8 Koots is 36. Therefore Ashtkoot is a great way to know the strength of the relationship. The horoscope matching tool is a very effective way to know the strength of your relationship. By entering your date, time and place of birth of Girl and the boy, you can easily find out the strength of the relationship.

In Horoscope Matching you may see a dosha. A dosha can be related to one particular aspect of your marital life. In simple words a dosha is an imbalance in the relationship. It is the area which will bring problems and trouble in the marriage and relationship. These dosha should never be ignored. If you ignore these dosha they will certainly bring problems later in your marriage. There are many dosha that can be formed, but the important ones are like Grahmaitri Dosha, Gana Dosha , Bhakoot Dosha and Nadi dosha. If any of these dosha are there they show the area of problem in the compatibility. Many times these doshas get canceled naturally, however at times some astrological remedy or parihar may be required before marriage to nullify the effects of these dosha. The more the dosha, the more the problem is in the relationship and stronger remedies may be required. In some cases, even marriage may not be recommended, if the dosha are likely to affect health, longevity, financial or children happiness.

As the effects of Astrology cannot be seen but felt, something like an Air or Wind, which we cannot see but feel. The cosmic energy is very much the same like Air, you cannot see unless there is a storm. Then you feel and run for cover. Astrology through its powers can foresee the possibility of these storms in the relationship and therefore indications of horoscope matching should not be ignored. Astrology effects can be best understood by people who read and know astrology. Therefore the effects of kundali milan should always be discussed with some learned astrologer, who will tell you the pro and cons of your decision regarding marriage. He will also help you take the correct decision in life. Below you can try the Free Kundali Matching for Marriage, by entering the birth details of the girl and the boy.

                       Your Online Tool for Free Kundali matching for marriage

       Check Your Horoscope Matching

       By Entering The Birth Details of yourself and Your Partner.






134 thoughts on “Horoscope Matching | free kundali matching for marriage

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