Career and marriage

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    • #152988 Reply
      Ayush kumar

      When I will get government job sir and when I will get married?

      Date of birth -10may 1995

      Place of birth -kirandul chhattisgarh india

      Time -5.30 am

    • #152995 Reply


      You are in the 30th year of your life. Kindly consider providing some background to set the context, even before your birth-chart is cast. It would help if you could share your academic qualifications, line of interest,  your current profession/employment status/situation, job reservations (if any) etc., and let me/us know what is driving your pursuit of a Government job.

      Take care…

    • #152997 Reply
      Ayush kumar

      Sir I am mechanical engineer

      Currently I am a student

      Willing to do government job but I want to know when I will get it and how my career progresses further.

      And when my marriage will takes place….

    • #152999 Reply


      Hard to understand or relate to you still being a student at 29-30 years of age… beyond the fact that you are in the midst of Lagna Lord Mars/Kuja Maha-Dasha. He is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in the Zodiac sign of Cancer or Karkataka Rashi. More importantly, he is placed very close in the deep Gandanta degrees. Kindly consider strengthening your Lagna Lord. It would also make sense for you to consider all opportunities… for I’m skeptical of you landing a Government job.

      Take care…

    • #153024 Reply
      Ayush kumar

      No sir in India age limit is 35 years for many government exam…..

      So still preparing for it , u can consider me as job aspirants I have done my graduations in engineering…..

      So sir kindly let me know when I will get govt job….and sir when I will get married

    • #153027 Reply
      JVS Rao

      Dear Ayush Kumar

      You may write competitive examinations in the period 05-10-2024 to 12-02-2025. You may get a job in the period 12-2-2025 to 7-4-2025. The job may be related to a financial organization.

      Your marriage would be in the period 22-07-2025 to 18-12-2025. You may miss one alliance. You may like one person or in other words you may fall in love with some one.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

    • #153037 Reply

      Sir any remedy so that things will not get delayed further….thanx alot sir

    • #153050 Reply
      JVS Rao


      In your chart Saturn is in 11th house. Saturn is aspecting Moon . So there would be delays. If you have faith, please consult the purohit and perform Rudra Abhishekam on any Saturday in a Shiva temple every month. He is the supreme and definitely he will help you.

      There would be delays and postponements  in your life. Without delays you can not complete any task. So try to change yourself.

      Please pray your family deity.

      Good Luck

      JVS Rao

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